Putting the "fun" back in Dysfunctional

Putting the "fun" back in Dysfunctional

Friday, April 26, 2013

POSSIBLY YOUR FINAL LOOK AT THIS TRAIN WRECK. (Are those crickets? Hello is anyone out there?)

I admit it--currently I am a bit of a train wreck. My latest episode of depression is raging. The leg pain that stems from my back problem is making my nights miserable. And, I truly wonder what I am all about when I spill my guts publicly for all to see. Am I really trying to help, or just crying out for it?
I started this blog maybe 18 months ago because I wanted fellow troubled souls to know they are not alone. So far, I have only six followers and .over 2000 page views. Several people read this blog consistently--if two is several. I hoped to reach more with personal stories about my battle with the beast of depression. The interest is absent and it costs me a lot of second-guessing? And have I really helped anyone?
Keep your eye on this spot because next time this blog comes out--if there is a next time--these personal confessions of mine may cease.
I wear my heart on my sleeve, in these blogs and on Facebook. Strangers, long-lost friends, family, and my local friends and acquaintances are privy to my innermost battles. This used to be the stuff I would discuss with my counselors or very close friends. For some--for me, this blog and FB has become a spot to tell all, or nearly all.
Again, pay attention to this part, because it might be your last glimpse at the destruction I have caused. Last year, in the month of August, I sat with a friend I worked with, but someone I really did not know that well, and cried like a baby. In the midst of recovering from a severe episode of depression, I spilled my guts. Some friends of mine know my issues, revealed to them via emails and messages. Some family members don't know about it though, yet I revealed these secrets to mere strangers. Why?
It is important to me to stay on top of my moods, but am I just sharing them because I am looking for help or for sympathy? If I share for sympathy, I may well never recover (or develop) my sense of well-being.
Often I feel like one of the nerds on The Big Bang. Whenever they meet up with one of Penny's old boyfriends, their inadequacies in the "Manly-men" department are apparent, not only to the audience but to the nerd characters. Am I manly-male? No, sorry, I am woefully inadequate. It's not that I can't pound a nail,  or run a chainsaw, but I am pretty self-obsessed. If any poor feminine soul were prepared to take me home to mother at this late date in my life, they would find a guy who likes to write romantic poetry, is editing a vampire novel that strangely mirrors more about his depression than his desire to possess the women in the book, and who needs a nap more often than his two-and-a-half year granddaughter. Any takers?
What comes from all this honesty then. It is that I embarrass my family and come out looking neither attractive, well-rounded, or even sane. I am some anachronism--an effete being better suited to a bed in Victorian England, dashing out poems, consumptively coughing, and awaiting death and a headstone in some London graveyard. Ah, sounds at least somewhat romantic, except I haven't written that famous book of poems or even a passable novel. Actually, such romantic artists were pretty rare even in Victorian England. The Pre-Raphaelite artists I admire so much, tended to be fairly long-lived womanizers who rarely allowed a setback to stop them. That ain't me babe.
Look, I hate getting old. I hate my friends are getting old, but I also hate that people just sort of go away and disappear. But one can't simply stop living because life is unkind. Where this leaves me is unknown, but I think it is time for me to pull back and share a little less than I generally do.

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