I have a friend who has been diagnosed as being possessed by demons. That the individual who "found" the possession is some sort of "psychic healer" makes little difference. My pal is both proud and distressed by her supposed affliction. No, she's not involved in devil worship, but she is an epileptic, and perhaps the healer is more possessed with a stereotypical view of my friend's real problems than by reality.
Most of us somehow wrestle demons. My most vulnerable time is at night, when my pain medications battle my mood and the other medications I take. I seem to have the situation well-in-hand at present, but there have been times when the demons threatened to overwhelm me. When I began a new pain medication about a month ago, one night, late at night, when I could not sleep, I got up and went into the bathroom and cried. I felt overwhelmed, frightened, and helpless. This match-up with the demons proved to be most difficult.
While my issues may be different from yours, our problems do tend to build up. We may wrestle with the demons others bring to our lives. Perhaps it is in the form of a spouse's alcoholism or drug use. Maybe we are dealing with a child who is self-destructive on some level. Or maybe we have no employment and little hope of finding any. I know people who I consider in a worse situation than I am. There are those across the world who suffer, without an end to their suffering in sight. Want to feel fortunate? Take a look at the problems of your friends, neighbors, and fellow world citizens. But when the demons are attacking you, none of this matters. Your distress may seem insurmountable.
Here's the thing, sometimes all we have is hope. Prayer, spiritual meditation, friendship, or even your dreams can help put your problems in perspective. The presence of demons makes every problem seem worse. When all else fails, try a headlock. Demons are suckers for the headlock. Remember, do not compound a bad situation by making bad and harmful choices. It's exactly what the demons hope you will do. Fight them and make sure any decisions come from a mind that is "Wise." Demons hate wise minds. Good luck.
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