Putting the "fun" back in Dysfunctional

Putting the "fun" back in Dysfunctional

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Inspirational Movie Quotes? Respond sil vous plait.

Hi guys--

Been a long time since I posted here. Today, in an email, I received an inspirational movie quote from a friend. Here it is: From American History X.  The email was from a woman from Romania, and I am surprised at her choice, not because it is a good choice, but because she knew it. 

”There was a moment, when I used to blame everything and everyone for all the pain and suffering and vile things that happened to me, that I saw happen to my people. Used to blame everybody. Blamed white people, blamed society, blamed God. I didn't get no answers 'cause I was asking the wrong questions. You have to ask the right questions.”
 ” Like what?” 
”Has anything you've done made your life better?”

So, I responded with my own movie quote, one which you have all heard I expect, and not nearly as deep and profound, but one I wished I followed more. It is from The Wizard of Oz:

"...if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard; because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with."

Do you have an inspirational movie quote you would like to share? I know my audience is small, but I hope this might take off. Send it onto me, or post it here. 
