Putting the "fun" back in Dysfunctional

Putting the "fun" back in Dysfunctional

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

True? Yes. Explained? No. Bella.

I wrote this poem and it appeared in a slightly different form on my FB page. Someday I may give the whole story of this episode. I can not at present. Let it just be said that Bella is real. Perhaps some of you might judge her. I do not--or at least I understand. She reached a breaking point. We are human. We err. We lash out.

So, could any of us be on the edge? Really, I don't know. Never have I been a lash out type. I always lashed at me it seemed. Oh, I get angry and hurt with words. I fought in grade school, junior high, once in high school, and in martial arts matches. One time, I picked a fight that I remember, and I felt like an idiot and apologized to the kid next time I saw him. Talk about kharma, the kid accidently scratched my eyelid with his fingernail during the fight. I got blinded by the blood coming from my own eye! Served me right.

Have I ever wanted to murder someone? Oh, in my postal years (yes, going postal is for real) there was a manager I thought I could have gladly killed had there been an alley dark enough and unseen enough. Of course, that was a fantasy that ended up without purpose. Funny thing is, the bastard ended up being fired for being a near criminal. But, there were times I figured I could have gutted him without much hesitation.

So, who are we and what would we do if we were taken to the edge? Think you would never get so angry that you would try to harm another person or yourself? I suspect Bella figured the same way. Then it happened. Hope you are well Bella.


F. Criscenti

Oh, Bella
You tried to bury your knife
in your husband's neck
when you found he had a lover
Then you tried
to end it all
without success.

You came in the arms of the police
still Bella
Tight curls
A few streaks of gray
Wishing for your child
Awaiting the time to go
How do we reach you?
What do we say?

He cheated you
You missed him and you missed you
Then they drug you away
No better hand
Your fate still unsettled
Oh, Bella
Has your madness vanished?
When you visit
your girl child
does your husband hide from you?
Are the knives taken out of the drawer?
Curse him in Spanish or English
under your sweet breath
kiss the baby with that mouth
that spat such venom
What do you say?

Does madness surface in your eyes?
Do you believe the vile lies?
How do we reach you, Bella?
You sleep alone
Dream or no
Flash a weapon
Pray before bed for God to guide your hand
next time dear Bella.

You came in the arms of the police
then said goodbye
left your madness at the door with a wave.
Oh, Bella.


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